Infilling: East Delavan Mixed-Use
by Buffalo Rising

A Pittsburgh-based developer is moving forward with an East Side infill project. R. Kyndall Development Group is seeking to purchase the project site, vacant lots at 647, 649, and 651 East Delavan at Dutton Avenue, from the City for $13,000.

Kyndall is proposing a 13,000 sq.ft., three-story building including affordable housing, commercial food space, office space and a large community space. Housing will consist of 14 units including six affordable housing units with household incomes at or below 80 percent of AMI, six market rate units, and two special needs units. According to their submission to the City, “this project will provide an opportunity to bring healthy food options to this low income neighborhood as well as provide local food truck businesses the opportunity to utilize a brick and mortar location to sell their products.”
The developer is lining up public and private financing for the project through partnerships with Evans Bank – Federal Home Loan Bank of NY, the Better Buffalo Fund, and New York State Homes and Community Renewal HOME Funds.
Design Synergies Architecture is designing the project.